Sunday, August 12, 2007

Weird Stuff in NY: How Much of a Pervert Are You?

Wandering around NY you come across all kinds of weird things - I fully intend these weird things to be a common feature of this blog. So today I wandered down the road to Battery Park and took a picture of a sculpture that is in the park. A sculpture that I think enables us all to gauge just how much of a 'prevert' (to quote Stanley Kubrick) we all are. What is the first thought that enters your mind when you see the image to your right?

If you were thinking of a different part of the human anatomy than 'eyeballs' you are a filthy pervert who shouldn't be allowed to look at art. I have been given to understand that they actually rotated the right errr... eyeball so that it was looking in a different direction than the left one in an attempt to minimise the number of children asking the awkward "Mummy - what are those?" questions. That or the artist comes from the deep south where that particular alignment of eyeballs is more common than we would like to think.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

ok so I'm a pervert. Either that or I'm not from the area where people have strange little *nubs* protruding from my eyeballs